Do you hear any news about your family, friends or on the TV and then jump to the worse-case scenario? Is it hard to see the good in any situation?
Since the world-wide pandemic, many people’s lives have been hijacked with fear. Are you fearful? Are you tired? Are you wanting something just a little bit better?
Do you desire to see more opportunities in your life? Do you desire to see more possibilities in life?
Would you like to access more super powers from your brain?
About 95% of the earth’s population of people’s brains are wired left brain to right eye and right brain to left eye, which is referred to as cross processors. However, 5% of the population is wired with parallel brains meaning, left brain is wired to left eye and right brain is wired to right eye, which is referred to as parallel processors.
Generally, the left brain is analytical, detailed, assigns labels, relying on past experience and logic. The right brain is creative, sees the big picture, solutions, gathers and collects information, sees similarities and focuses on the future of possibilities. Every part of the brain serves a function.
It’s not unusual for someone to get stuck on a neural pathway and go down the rabbit hole of what the person most commonly practices such as worry. However, you can interrupt that pattern and create a new neural pathway.
Ideally, when someone is whole brained–using both their right and left side of their brain hemispheres, then one may see different possibilities. To leverage your brain’s super powers, do the following:
Drive to CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid and buy an eye patch now. Use an eye patch daily 15 minutes on each eye, while watching TV, on the computer or phone or reading a book. NEVER use an eye patch while driving, operating machinery or while cooking, cutting or cleaning. Please use your best judgment.
An eye patch is a tool to exercise your brain–to exercise the muscles in your brain. Many people exercise the muscles in their body and few even think to exercise their brain. Every person on this planet can benefit from daily use of an eye patch.
By completely covering one eye so there is no light that comes in, while the person is awake, the input is only coming in one eye. As a result, the brain can literally see different possibilities and opportunities.
When you’re in a situation, and find yourself going down the rabbit hole of worry, put an eye patch on. The eye patch interrupts the pattern of worry, and your brain is given another job to do so you can see different possibilities.
Overall, eye patching facilitates the right and left brain communication so you can use your whole brain.